Mama Milk Fairy, Breastmilk & DNA Jewelry

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A Stay-at-Home Mom’s Journey to Success

From Kitchen Table to Thriving Business: How Tessa Turned Passion into Profit with Mama Milk Fairy

Five years ago, Tessa found herself in a place many moms know all too well—torn between the desire to stay at home with her kids and the financial need to contribute to her family. After her second child was born, she knew she didn’t want to miss out on a single milestone, but the pressure to return to work was heavy. The idea of missing school drop-offs, pick-ups, and those irreplaceable small moments felt unbearable. Like many moms, Tessa yearned for the freedom to be there for her children whenever they needed her while also providing financial stability.

That’s when the idea of starting a business from home began to take root. She didn’t want to compromise on her dreams of being a hands-on mom. But how could she build a business that would support her family while staying fully present in her children's lives? Tessa knew she had to find a way.

Turning Breastmilk Jewelry Into a Profitable Business from Home

Armed with determination and a deep desire to be both a mom and an entrepreneur, Tessa decided to turn her creative passion into a business. From her kitchen table, surrounded by three plastic totes filled with supplies, Mama Milk Fairy was born. Tessa had always loved the idea of creating something meaningful, and when she discovered breastmilk and DNA jewelry, it clicked. These precious keepsakes would allow moms like her to carry a piece of their motherhood journey with them, forever encapsulated in beautiful jewelry.

With a pack-away studio, lots of trial and error, and a strong sense of purpose, Tessa dove into her business headfirst. It wasn’t easy. There were sleepless nights, moments of doubt, and plenty of times when things didn’t go as planned. But Tessa kept going, driven by the vision of being there for her kids while building something meaningful.

The Challenges and Triumphs of Running a Home-Based Business

Running a home-based business while raising kids was nothing short of a rollercoaster. There were days when everything seemed to go wrong— supplies didn’t arrive on time, orders got cancelled, and the house was a whirlwind of chaos. But for Tessa, the highs far outweighed the lows. Every new order was a reminder that she was creating something special, not just for herself but for her customers—moms who, like her, cherished the memories of their motherhood journey.

Tessa learned how to juggle school runs, nap times, and family dinners while growing her business. She took pride in being able to bring her kids to school, pick them up, and attend every important event, all while steadily building Mama Milk Fairy into a thriving business. It wasn’t just about making money; it was about the freedom to live life on her own terms. And after five years, Tessa had done just that.

Today, Mama Milk Fairy is a successful, sustainable business that provides a stable income for her family. Tessa has turned her kitchen-table dream into a profitable enterprise that not only supports her financially but also allows her to be the present, engaged mom she always wanted to be.

Why Building a Home-Based Business Gives Moms More Freedom

Over the years, Tessa has had countless conversations with other moms who were curious about how she managed to build her business. “How did you do it?” they would ask. “How can I start something like this?” Tessa realized there was a common thread—so many moms shared her initial desire: the freedom to stay home with their kids while still contributing financially to their family.

That’s when the idea for TH Academy was born. Tessa knew she could help other moms turn their passion into profit, just like she did. She wanted to offer them a clear roadmap, showing them exactly how they, too, could build a home-based business that fits around their family’s schedule.

TH Academy is now a place where Tessa shares the very framework she used to start Mama Milk Fairy. The academy offers an 8-module course designed specifically for moms who want to create a profitable business from home. It’s packed with value and actionable steps, covering everything from the initial idea to building a stable, sustainable income.

Helping Moms Start Their Own Successful Home-Based Business with TH Academy

For Tessa, it’s no longer just about growing Mama Milk Fairy—it’s about giving back and empowering other moms. She’s on a mission to show that it’s possible to have both: a fulfilling business and quality family time. TH Academy is her way of helping moms across the globe realize their potential and build something beautiful that allows them to stay home with their kids.

Tessa’s journey is proof that with passion, perseverance, and the right tools, you can create a business that not only supports your family but also gives you the freedom to live life on your terms. It’s about finding balance, being present for your children, and doing work that fills your soul. And now, through TH Academy, Tessa is sharing that gift with other moms who are ready to take the leap.

If you’ve ever dreamed of starting your own home-based business, Tessa’s story is a reminder that it’s possible. With the right mindset and support, you can build something meaningful, create financial freedom, and still be there for your family.