My Breastfeeding Journey: “Off To a Rocky Start”

When I was pregnant of our eldest, I did not know a lot about breastfeeding yet. So to prepare for our baby’s arrival, we decided to do an intensive delivery preparation course from a lovely local doula. She taught us all about the ins and outs about being pregnant, the delivery and how to pick a good obstetrician. She also taught us how to prepare for this special new time that was coming sooner than later. One of those topics was breastfeeding, as she was a lactation specialist next to being a doula. I learned things I had no clue about and soon learned that her lessons were more valuable than I could have ever imagined. Because breastfeeding for the very first time ain’t that easy!

My first time breastfeeding

The big day had arrived and after several hours of delivery, which ended in a c-section, I was finally able to hold my precious baby boy. He naturally searched for my nipple and latched on. What a strange feeling that was, the suction was much stronger than I had imagined.

He looked so happy and satisfied just lying there on my chest, skin-to-skin, drinking the milk I made for him. I was over the moon in love! The next couple of days we learned together which breastfeeding positions worked best for us and I learned when he was trying to show me that he was hungry. The many ways babies can communicate that they are hungry are just incredible. From smacking his lips, fuzzy movements, to having his special “I´m hungry mom!” cry.

Off to a rocky start

But then the bumpy ride started. My nipples started to crack, bleed and hurt insanely, which made breastfeeding an incredible painful experience. It hurt so much every time my baby boy latched on, that I dreaded the next feeding and was in tears every time I had to feed him.

My husband decided to call our doula/lactation expert and she literally came right away. She showed me how to correctly latch him, how to take care of my cracked and bleeding nipples and gave me some of the magical Lanisoh nipple cream. After her kind words of encouragement and very useful tips, it still took us a several days to get back on track. But once we got the right latch down, my nipples healed and from there on it was easy peasy. I breastfed my first baby boy for 15 months, until he decided he was ready to do without.

The second time around

The second time around it was all so much easier. I knew how to teach my youngest to latch on, I knew how to take care of my nipples and we had no trouble at all. It was a very peaceful, relaxed and beautiful journey, even though I was extremely sleep deprived of course. I was able to breastfeed my youngest son to the moment that he decided it was time to move on, after 21 months.

Breastfeeding benefits

Breastfeeding can be a bumpy and difficult ride, but once you succeed, it is all completely worth it. Besides the fact that breast milk itself is incredible (super nutritious, full of anti-bodies to protect your baby from all kinds of outside dangers, and it has never been recalled), it is also a special way to bond with your baby. A moment to sit down, hold them close to you, look them in their eyes and truly connect. Breast milk is a mom´s gift to give, a strong stepping-stone for her baby.

breastfeeding tips

My advice for new moms, please seek professional advice from a lactation expert as soon as you start to struggle. They can mean a world of difference in whether your breastfeeding journey will succeed or not. You don’t have to break the bank to get good advice, as there are many free or low cost options out there. One example is the: La Leche League, you probably have one in your area or you can connect with them online.


Now when I look down at my breast milk pendant or ring, it takes me back to those special first months I had with my boys. It instantly warms my heart and fills it with all the love I have for them. I then realize how lucky I am, that I was able to give them the gift of breastfeeding. A gift of which I know that not every mom is able to give her child, because the struggle is very real.

Also want to commemorate your breastfeeding journey with a unique jewelry piece or keepsake? Have a look at the collection or contact us for a custom design.

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